Venus Sister Circles 


This is a space for women to remember, awaken, activate and embody their unique divine feminine design.

🤍 Are you longing for a deeper connection with self, with your innate wisdom, your deep inner knowing?

🤍 Do you sometimes feel alone in this achievement driven and success oriented world?

🤍 Are you struggling with all your different roles as a Woman (Mom, Wife, Business Woman, Sister, Friend, Lover etc.) and therefore feel often low in energy and tired?

🤍 Is your inner Queen nudging you to stop pushing away your desire to express your wild, dark feminine?

🤍 Do you feel that you could use some support in the self-love department?

🤍 Would you like to tap more into the creative being that you actually are and feel high on life again?

If you said yes to any of the above questions you're hearing the call to come deeper into your divine feminine expression. 

I've been there myself and I know how you are feeling and I can assure you that life does become more magical and exciting again when we start to allow our divine feminine energy to flow through us again - when our inner radiance comes online again because we are aligning the divine masculine and divine feminine energy within, we become more magnetic and automatically attract more magic into our lives. When we are embodying more of who we actually are at the core, when we lead a more heart centered life, we experience a more enchanted life again.

And there's truly no better guide to activate this flow of our inner creative life force energy than Venus. Syncing with the Venus cycle is such an amazing opportunity to become a fully empowered and embodied women.

Guided by her 19 month cycle we will go on an inner heroines journey. It’s an inward journey, a journey back to your soul’s essence. It will be a very powerful and transformative journey that will unfold very naturally and slowly over time while you are held in a safe container of like minded souls.

This Venus in Leo Cycle is all about SELF-EXPRESSION, CREATIVITY and activating the SOLAR FEMININE ENERGY - it’s about blasting your heart wide open and living a HEART CENTERED LIFE.

We will journey deep in order to 

🐚 Release any outdated patterns, beliefs or societal conditioning that hinder you from shining your unique light.

🤍 Learn to love all parts of you, also the ones you are trying to hide or push away.

🐚 Bring more of your unique self online again.

🤍 Cultivate more self-acceptance which ultimately leads to more self-love.

A community of souls who are on a quest to more self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-love is such a potent container to expand consciousness and to step into the more of us!

Who is ready to join this powerful sisterhood? Spaces are limited to an intimate group of souls who hear the call to go on this inward journey together with the guidance of Venus.