The next round of live classes starts August 20th 2024

Venus Online Immersion

I felt called to create this online immersion and sisterhood for women who want to dive deep into their UNIQUE DIVINE FEMININE CODES.

🤍 Do you want to better understand your inherent feminine nature in order to create more EASE and FLOW in your life?

🤍 Would you like to tap more into the CREATIVE BEING, THE POWER that you actually ARE and become a more conscious co-creator of life?

🤍 Do you want to feel more comfortable in RECEIVING and just BEING? (Instead of always giving & doing?)

🤍 Do you want to become more MAGNETIC and actually manifest the life of your dreams?

🤍 Are you ready to welcome more MAGIC back into your life?

🤍 Do you want to better understand your own LOVE LANGUAGE, your RELATIONSHIP STYLE and what COLLECTIVE SACRED MISSION you feel most aligned with?

🤍 Do you hear the call to connect deeper to your true DESIRES and true VALUES (not the conditioned ones) and actually start to honour them more?

🤍 Are you longing for life to be a more SENSUAL and JUICY experience? To immerse yourself in the boundless bliss of BEING?

🤍 Are you ready to embrace ALL FACETS of the divine feminine energy? Also the shamed, shunned and rejected ones?

🤍 Are you ready to live your FULLEST LIFE yet?

If you said yes to any of the above questions you're hearing the call to come deeper into your divine feminine expression. 

I've walked this path myself and that is why I want to share my learnings and the astrological wisdom with you. My life has become so much more magical and exciting since I am allowing my unique divine feminine energy to flow through me. It activated my radiance and magnetism and Astrology has given me the structure and container to trust and surrender to what is.

When we are embodying more of who we actually are at the core, when we lead a more heart centered life and when we believe in something bigger and follow the cycles of life and the cosmos we truly get to experience a more enchanted life again - and Venus is such a beautiful guide to live the beauty way of life and to tap into the magical side of life!

So becoming more familiar with your unique Venus Codes and/or syncing with the Venus cycle are such amazing opportunities to become a fully empowered and embodied woman.

In this 8 months long online immersion I will guide you to better understand your unique feminine flavour while also taping into the current Venus Cycle that is at play.

The current Venus in Leo Cycle (started 13. August 2023) is all about SELF-EXPRESSION, SHINING YOUR LIGHT, CREATIVITY and activating the SOLAR FEMININE ENERGY - it’s about blasting your heart wide open and living a HEART LEAD LIFE. 

So in these next 8 months while Venus is an evening star it will be very powerful to tap into this collective energy of the current Venus Cycle while also learning to better understanding your unique Venus Codes.

The Venus in Leo Cycle will guide you to 

🐚 Fully embody the Queen energy you already carry within.

🤍 Learn to love all parts of you, also the ones you have been trying to hide or push away.

🐚 Bring more of your unique self online again.

🤍 Cultivate more self-acceptance which ultimately leads to more self-love.

I can't wait to go on this journey with you and other wonderful souls because a community of souls who are on a quest to more self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-love is such a potent container to expand consciousness and to step into the more of us!

Who is ready to join this powerful container and sisterhood for 8 months starting this August? 

If you hear the call to go on this heroines, inward journey with me, the guidance of Venus and other beautiful soul sisters don't hesitate and sign up now.